Domestic Violence Services
Oasis Centre Des Femmes
Oasis Centre des femmes (OCF) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing services to Francophone women (16 years and up) who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
465 Yonge Street C.P. 73022 Wood Street Toronto, ON M4Y 2W5
Main & Church
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
A free and confidential service that offers telephone crisis counselling, information and emotional support, referrals to emergency shelters, legal information and services and community services as well as culturally appropriate resources for abused women.
P.O. Box 40569, Six Points Plaza Etobicoke, ON M9B 6K8
Bloor & Kipling
Family Service Toronto
FST provides support to individuals, families, and communities facing precarious mental health and/or socioeconomic circumstances.
355 Church Street Toronto, ON, M5B 1Z8
Church St & Gerrard St E
YWCA Toronto
Provides free emergency shelter, interest-free loans for women fleeing abusive and violent homes, as well as counselling and support groups for women who have experienced violence and women coping with mental health challenges.
87 Elm Street Toronto, ON M5G 0A8
University Ave & Dundas St W
Barbara Schlifer Legal Clinic
Provides high quality and diverse legal programs, counselling, and interpretation to marginalized women who have experienced violence.
489 College Street, Suite 503 Toronto ON, M6G 1A5
College St & Bathurst St
Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto
A multi-service agency that strengthens and supports individuals, children, families and communities by increasing safety and security, improving mental health and wellness and reducing the effects of poverty, within the context of Jewish values.
4600 Bathurst Street, 1st Floor
Bathurst St & Ellerslie Ave
Abrigo Centre
Offers services to women & their children who are leaving abusive relationships. They offer group & family counselling, access to essential services, a safety plan, and legal services.
1645 Dufferin St Toronto, ON M6H 3L9
Dufferin St & Bloor St W
Counterpoint Co-Op
Counterpoint works to end violence in intimate relationships by facilitating a process of change for men so that they can build relationships that are respectful, healthy, and non-violent.
920 Yonge Street, Suite 605 Toronto ON M4W 3C7
Yonge St & Davenport Rd
Catholic Crosscultural Services – Settlement Service Centre
CCS provides confidential counselling, individual and group services to assist newcomer women and their children who have previously or are currently experiencing domestic abuse.
55 Town Centre Ct, Suite 401 Toronto, ON M1P 4X4
McCowan Rd & Ellesmere Rd
Women’s College Hospital Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre
The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre (SA/DVCC) is a comprehensive service that assists women, men, and trans people, over the age of 14, who are victims/survivors of sexual assault and domestic/intimate partner violence.
76 Grenville Street Toronto, ON M5S 1B2
Bay & College
Victim Services Toronto
Victim Services Toronto provides immediate, confidential support for any person who has experienced crime or sudden tragedy 24/7.
40 College St. Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J3
Bay & College
Yorktown Family Services Transitional Support & Housing Program
Transitional and Housing Support Program provides therapeutic counselling, safety planning and all related transitional and housing supports and services to women and their children who have experienced abuse. Services include assisting women in connecting with external community supports and finding housing.
2010 Eglinton Ave W Suite 300 Toronto ON M6E 2K3
Dufferin & Eglinton
South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
SALCO is a legal clinic that supports low-income South Asian people in Ontario. We provide services in a number of areas of law including immigration, tenancy, employment, income supports, and other areas.
45 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto ON M2N 5W9
Yonge & Sheppard