Woodgreen Community Services – Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound is an innovative program that supports homeless or inadequately housed single mothers to earn college diplomas, start careers and achieve financial self-sufficiency. Unique in Canada, this four-year education and employment program provides intensive wrap-around services that eliminate the barriers that single mothers face in trying to move out of poverty.
815 Danforth Ave #100 Toronto, ON M4J 1L2
Pape & Danforth
Raising the Grade
An after-school program that allows youth to explore their personal interests, receive homework support, connect with mentors, increase their digital literacy and plan for post-secondary education. Run through the Boys and Girls Club.
701-90 Eglinton Ave E Toronto, ON, M4P 2Y3
Eglinton & Bayview
Pathways to Education
Assists youth in low-income communities graduate from high school and successfully transition into post-secondary education by providing academic, social and financial assistance to youth.
439 University Avenue, 16th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8
University & Dundas
Jamaican Canadian Association
JCA works with Jamaicans, people of Caribbean descent and African Canadians and offers a Saturday Morning Tutorial Program which is a weekly homework assistance program for students in grades 1-12. The program offers assistance with English Language, Math Skills, preparing for EQAO, Arts, Social Studies and Science.
995 Arrow Road, Toronto, ON M9M 2Z5
Finch Ave & Hwy 400
Independent Learning Centre (ILC)
ILC is mandated by the government of Ontario as the province’s designated provider of distance education and GED Testing. Take any of 140+ affordable and flexible classes through the online learning partner of the Ontario Ministry of Education.
2180 Yonge Street, Ground Floor Toronto, ON M4S 2B9
Yonge St & Eglinton Ave W
East York Learning Experience
Provides services to adult students to help develop their reading, writing, math, and basic computer skills. Offers weekly one-to-one sessions with trained, volunteer tutors.
266 Donlands, Toronto, ON M4J 5B1
Donlands Ave & Cosburn Ave
West Neighborhood House
WNH’s Adult Learning Program provides one-to-one and small group learning for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, math, and computer skills.
1033 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M6K 3N3
King and Shaw
Avondale Alternative Secondary School
Grades: 9-12 Accepts students to age 19
171 Avondale Ave North York, ON M2N2V4
Sheppard Ave E & Willowdale Ave
North East Year-Round Alternative School
Grades: 9-10
2900 Don Mills Rd, North York, ON M2J3B6
Fairview Mall Dr & Don Mills Rd E
North West Alternative School
Grades: 9-10 Accepts students 18 and under.
425 Patricia Ave, North York, ON M2R2N1
Bathurst St & Drewry Ave
ALPHA II Alternative School
Grades: 7-12
980 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON M6H4B4
Dufferin St & Bloor St W
Waterfront School
Grades: 11-12
635 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5V3G3
Bathurst St & Queens Quay W
Contact Alternative School
Grades: 9-12
132 Saint Patrick St, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M5T1V1
Dundas St W & University Ave
Inglenook Community School
Grades: 11-12
19 Sackville St, Toronto, ON M5A3E1
Parliament St & Eastern Ave
Oasis Alternative Secondary School
Grades: 9-12. OASIS also has a Skateboard Factory, where students earn high school credits by creating their own brand and running a skateboard business / professional design studio.
20 Brant St, Toronto, ON M5V2M1
King St W & Spadina Ave
SEED Alternative School
Grades: 11-12
885 Dundas St E, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M4M1R4
Broadview Ave & Dundas St E
Subway Academy II
Grades: 11-12
64 Baldwin St, Toronto, ON M5T1L4
College St & Huron St
The Student School
Grades: 11-12
125 Evelyn Cres, Toronto, ON M6P3E3
Grades: 11-12
Urban Indigenous Education Centre
The Urban Indigenous Education Centre at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) offers a variety of services with the goal of enhancing First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ well-being and achievement, and creating opportunities for Indigenous Education for all staff and students in the TDSB.
16 Phin Ave, Toronto, ON M4L 3T2
Bloor & Greenwood
Etobicoke Year-Round Alternative Centre
Grades: 9-11
160 Silverhill Dr, Etobicoke, ON M9B3W7
The East Mall & Dundas St W
SEE – School of Experiential Education
Grades: 10-12
40 McArthur St, Etobicoke, ON M9P3M7
Islington Ave & Dixon Rd
Alternative Scarborough Education 1
Grades: 11-12
60 Brimorton Dr, Scarborough, ON M1P3Z1
Brimley Rd & Brimorton Drive
Delphi Secondary Alternative School
Grades: 9-12
109A Chartland Blvd S, Scarborough, ON M1S2R7
Finch Ave E & Brimley Rd
Parkview Alternative School
Grades: 9-10
1641 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough, ON M1R2L2
Hwy 401 & Victoria Park Ave
Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies
Grades: 9-12
720 Midland Ave, Scarborough, ON M1K4C9
Midland Ave & Danforth Rd
South-East Year-Round Alternative Centre
Grades: 9-12
720 Midland Ave, Scarborough, ON M1K4C9
Midland Ave & Danforth Rd
East York Alternative Secondary School
Grades: 10-12
670 Cosburn Ave, East York, ON M4C2V2
Coxwell Ave & Cosburn Ave
SOLE – School of Life Experience
Grades: 10-12
24 Mountjoy Ave, Toronto, ON M4J1J6
Danforth Ave & Coxwell Ave
Pape Adolescent Resource Center – PARC Ambassador Program
PARC Ambassador Program is a satellite program of the Contact Alternative School which has been developed to work with Youth (under 21) who are involved with PARC and considered at risk and wish to finish High School. Youth can earn a combination of co-op and academic credits towards their continued education.
469 Pape Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4K3P9
Danforth Ave & Jones Ave
Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre
Offers a variety of adult learning programs including a credit program for adults over 21 who are looking to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
500 The East Mall, Toronto, ON M9B 2C4
The East Mall & Burnhamthorpe Rd
Emery Adult Learning Centre
Offers a variety of grade 9-12 courses to allow adults over 21 to complete their OSSD.
3395 Weston Rd, North York, ON M9M 2V9
Finch Ave W & Weston Rd
City Adult Learning
CALC offers a variety of credit courses for adult students wishing to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, prepare for college or university, or gain job related training.
1 Danforth Ave Toronto, ON M4K 1M8
Broadview Ave & Danforth Ave
Yorkdale Adult Learning Centre
Offers a variety of grade 9-12 courses to allow adults over 21 to complete their OSSD.
38 Orfus Rd, North York, ON M6A 1L6
Orfus St & Dufferin St
Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies
SCAS offers a variety of high school courses to allow adults over 21 to complete their OSSD.
720 Midland Avenue Toronto, ON M1K 4C9
Midland Ave & Danforth Rd
University of Toronto
TYP is an eight-month, full time, university transition program. It is intended to help students who do not meet university admissions requirements to gain the necessary qualifications.
49 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5S 2E5
St. George St & College St
Ryerson University
The Transitions Foundations Program is geared toward those candidates who have the potential for success in post-secondary education, but also have educational gaps that have resulted in incomplete admissions requirements for traditional pathways into post-secondary studies.
350 Victoria Street Toronto ON M5B 2K3
Gerrard & Yonge St
York University
The Transition Year Program at York University (TYP@York) is a special access program for youth (19+) and adults who are passionate about attending university. TYP@York provides an opportunity to transition to university for those who have previously experienced social and financial barriers to accessing the formal education system.
4700 Keele St Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Steeles & Keele
George Brown College
George Brown College’s Transitions to Post-Secondary Education is a three-semester program for individuals who identify mental health and or addiction challenges as barriers to education and/or employment. Students in this program will have the opportunity to assess new pathways to academic and employment success.
341 King St Toronto ON M5A 1L1
King & Parliament
Seneca College
The Youth to Postsecondary (Y2P) education project provides free academic upgrading and life skills training to young adults living in the Jane and Finch community. It helps participants transition into college and apprenticeship courses or the workforce, improving their career opportunities and future prosperity.
1750 Finch Avenue East Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2J 2X5
Finch & 404
Humber College
Humber College offers a free transitional program for youth between the ages of 19 and 29. This specialized program has been designed to help you make a successful transition to college, whether you have completed high school or not.
205 Humber College Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 5L7
Finch & Hwy 27
416-675-6622 ext. 5129
Ontario Colleges
Online portal to apply to all colleges in Ontario.
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
A not‑for‑profit, centralized application service for applicants to Ontario universities.
170 Research Lane Guelph ON N1G 5E2
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university.
York University
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Keele & Steeles
Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) University
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
100 McCaul St, Toronto ON, M5T 1W1
Dundas & University
Seneca College
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
1750 Finch Avenue East Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2J 2X5
Finch & 404
University of Toronto – St. George Campus
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
27 Kings College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1
St George & College
Toronto Metropolitan University
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
350 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 2K3
Gerrard & Church St
George Brown College – St. James Campus
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
200 King Street East, Toronto, ON M5T 2T9
University & Adelaide
Humber College
Sed in maximus quam. Cras sed auctor erat. Suspendisse blandit imperdiet mauris nec iaculis. Proin justo nibh, consequat sed pretium vitae, volutpat eu eros. Aliquam vehicula euismod quam nec semper.
205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, ON M9W 5L7
Finch & Hwy 27
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program is a specialized program in high school that allows you to explore apprenticeship and consider careers in the skilled trades, generally starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 through the cooperative education program.
Hammer Heads
The Central Ontario Building Trades (COBT) and our affiliates established Hammer Heads to assist under-resourced and Aboriginal youth by linking them to registered apprenticeship opportunities in the skilled construction trades which might not otherwise be accessible.
2088 Weston Road Toronto, ON M9N 1X4
Weston & Lawrence
Construct is a social enterprise providing residential and commercial construction and property services to clients from across the public and private sectors in the Greater Toronto Area.
17665 Leslie St Newmarket ON L3Y 3E3
Leslie & Davis
CAS Grants – Durham Children’s Aid Society
Here you will find information on post-secondary provincial funding opportunities for Crown Wards and how to apply for post-secondary education and government financial assistance.
Durham Children’s Aid Society 1320 Airport Blvd. Oshawa, Ontario L1J 0C6
Taunton & Simcoe
The Clark Bursary and Award
The Clark Bursary Award is available to youth in care and former wards pursuing post-secondary education. Students attending post-secondary education will receive $3,500 per year for up to four years. Upon completion of their studies, Clark Bursary recipients are eligible to receive the Clark Graduation award — a monetary gift of $1,000.
75 Front Street East, Suite 308 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1V9
Front & Church
Student Awards Search
A searchable database to help you sort scholarship opportunities by province, school, award value, difficulty, level of study and more.
Scholarships Canada
Canada’s foremost web site for scholarships, student awards, bursaries.
67 Mowat Ave., Suite 402 Toronto, Ontario M6K 3E3
King & Fraser
Student Scholarships has been providing scholarship information to students and scholarship management services to companies since 2003.
2164 Montreal Rd, Ottawa, ON K1J 1G4
Montreal & Ogilvie