Legal Services
Justice for Children and Youth
Justice for Children and Youth (JFCY) is a non-profit community legal clinic that provides legal representation to low-income children and youth in the Toronto area. It gives summary legal advice, information, and assistance to young people, parents (in education matters), professionals, and community groups across Ontario.
415 Yonge St, Suite 1203 Toronto, ON M5B2E7
Yonge & Gerrard
Barbara Schlifer Legal Clinic
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic offers legal services and representation, trauma-informed counselling and multilingual interpretation to diverse women and gender diverse people who have experienced violence.
489 College Street, Suite 503 Toronto ON, M6G 1A5
College St & Bathurst St
Abrigo Centre
Offers services to women & their children who are leaving abusive relationships. They offer group & family counselling, access to essential services, a safety plan, and legal services.
1646 Dufferin St Toronto, ON M6H 3L9
Bloor & Dufferin
Elizabeth Fry Toronto
Elizabeth Fry Toronto offers women who are, have been or at risk of being in conflict with the law with individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, release planning, referrals, transitional housing, and community education.
215 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON M4X 1G1
Bloor & Wellesley
Ontario Women’s Legal Justice Network
OWJN tries to help survivors of violence and their supporters better understand legal rights in Ontario. The website offers accessible legal information in a way that reflects the diverse experiences and realities of women.
158 Spadina Road Toronto, ON M5R 2T8
Dupont & Spadina
Access for Parents and Children
Access for Parents and Children in Ontario (APCO) supervises visits by non-custodial parents (or other relatives) and supervises drop-offs and pick-ups for caregivers and children.
100 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite #504 North York, ON M2N 6N5
Sheppard & Kenneth
The Law Society of Upper Canada
The Law Society of Ontario offers free public resources for legal matters, such as finding a lawyer or paralegal, choosing the right legal professional, and more, as well as 30 minutes of free legal counsel over the phone.
130 Queen St W Toronto ON M5H 2N6
Queen & University
Pro Bono Law Ontario
PBLO promotes access to justice in Ontario by creating and facilitating opportunities for lawyers to provide free legal services to persons of limited means.
Centre for Spanish Speaking People
They offer legal services in the areas of employment rights, social assistance (OW & ODSP), immigration/refugee law, landlord/tenant, EI, CPP and human rights. Services are free to individuals who meet CSSP’s financial and case selection eligibility criteria, and any individuals receiving social assistance benefits are automatically eligible.
2141 Jane Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M3M 1A2
Jane & Wilson
Black Legal Action Centre
The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) is an independent not-for-profit community legal clinic that combats individual and systemic anti-Black racism by providing free legal services, conducting research, developing public legal education materials, and engaging in test case litigation and law reform.
Suite 221 – 720 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5S 2T9
Bloor & Spadina
South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
SALCO’s aims to provide access to justice for low-income South Asians in Toronto and the GTA. They provide legal advice and services in various areas of poverty law, including: immigration, Human Rights, Ontario Works / Ontario Disability Support Program, Tenant’s rights, Criminal Injuries Compensation, Old Age Security and Canadian Pension Plans (CPP).
45 Sheppard Ave E North York, ON M2N 5W9
Yonge & Sheppard
FCJ Refugee Centre
FCJ Refugee Centre serves refugees and others at risk due to their immigration status. They provide assistance with paperwork, translation and interpretation, accompaniment, referral to immigration lawyers, orientation to local social services, skills development, and counselling to support a healthy and positive start to life in Canada.
208 Oakwood Ave Toronto, ON M6E 2V3
Oakwood & St. Clair