York Town Family Services
Yorktown Family Services (YFS) is a fully accredited community service agency comprised of an infant, child, and youth mental health centre; a women’s shelter and community-based violence against women services; and an integrated services site offering rapid access to multiple mental health, primary health, and social service programs for youth and young adults.
2010 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 300 York, ON M6E 2K3
Warden & Eglinton
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
Toronto Community Crisis Service
Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) provides community-based, trauma-informed responses to non-emergency crisis calls and wellness checks as an alternative to police enforcement.211
Call 211
St Elizabeth Health Care
SE Health provides acute, primary, and long-term health care services and mobile crisis intervention support.
90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 300, Markham Ontario, L3R 6H3
Highway 7 & 404
Gerstein Crisis Line
Gerstein crisis services include 24/7 telephone support, in-person mobile crisis team, community support referrals, substance use crisis management, follow-up and access to short-term crisis beds.
Jarvis & Bloor St
The Yellow Brick House
Yellow Brick House provides life-saving services and prevention programs to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities impacted by violence.
24/7 crisis line
Reconnect Community Health Services
Reconnect Community Health Services provides services and supports for people living with mental health and addictions concerns.
170 Bloor St West
Bloor & Christie
Mental Health Service Information Ontario
Learn about mental health services, resources, and supports available in Ontario.
Center for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH)
Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital whose services include assessments, brief early interventions, inpatient programs, continuing care, outpatient services and family support.
1001 Queen Street W, Toronto, Ontario, M6J 1H4
Queen & Shaw St
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre
PQWCHC offers a broad range of health services, including primary health care, harm reduction, and community development programming.
1229 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1L2
Queen & Dufferin
Lumenus Community Services
Lumenus offers a broad range of high-quality mental health, developmental and community services for infants, children, youth, individuals and families across Toronto.
1126 Finch Ave W, Toronto, ON M3J 3J6
Dufferin & Finch
Catholic Family Services Toronto
CFST provides counselling support and wellness programming to young people and their families.
1155 Yonge Street Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M4T 1W2
Yonge & St Clair
Family Services Association of Toronto
FST assists individuals and families through counselling, community engagement and public education programs, and advocacy work.
355 Church Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 0B2
Gerrard & Church
Elizabeth Fry Toronto
Elizabeth Fry Toronto offers women who are, have been or at risk of being in conflict with the law with individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, release planning, referrals, transitional housing, and community education.
215 Wellesley Street E, Toronto, ON, M4X 1G1
Wellesley & Jarvis
ConnexOntario offers free and confidential health services information for people in Ontario experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling.
7 Cups of Tea
7 Cups of Tea is an on-demand emotional health service and online therapy provider that anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat.
Women’s College Hospital Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Care Centre
The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre (SA/DVCC) is a comprehensive and acute service that assists individuals of all genders and gender identities over the age of 16 who are victims/survivors of sexual assault and domestic/intimate partner violence.
70 Grenville Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 1B2
Bay & College
Women’s Support Network
The Women’s Support Network of York Region (WSN) is a rape crisis/sexual violence centre dedicated to providing free, confidential services for individuals who have experienced any form of sexual violence.
1110 Stellar Drive, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 7B7
Leslie & Green Lane
The Barbara Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
The Barbara Schlifer Commemorative Clinic offers legal, counselling and interpretation services to marginalized and racialized populations of women and gender diverse people who have survived violence.
489 College Street Suite 503, Toronto, ON, M6G 1A5
College & Bathurst
Toronto Rape Crisis Center (24 Hours)
The TRCC Crisis Line trained and experienced peer counsellors are available to speak with any and all survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and their supporters, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Gate House
The Gate House provides support, community, and resources for individuals impacted by childhood sexual abuse.
3101 Lake Shore Boulevard West, Toronto, ON M8V 3W8
Lakeshore & Kipling
Youthlink provides counselling to youth ages 12-21 to address a variety of issues, including family conflict, mental health concerns, and substance abuse.
636 Kennedy Road, Scarborough ON, M1K 2B3
Kennedy & Eglinton
Oasis Centre Des Femmes
Oasis Centre des femmes (OCF) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing services to Francophone women (16 years and up) who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
465 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2W5
Yonge & Carlton
Turning Point Youth Services
Turning Point offers support to youth ages 12 and 24 and their families through counseling, residential care and treatment, and legal support.
95 Wellesley Street E, Toronto, ON M4Y 1H5
Jarvis & Wellesley
Blake Boultbee Youth Outreach Service
BBYOS provides a variety of services to high-risk youth in and families in East Toronto including relationship-building, counselling, and sexual health education.
41 Blake St. Toronto, ON M4J 3E2
Jones & Gerrard
Michael Garron Hospital
Michael Garron Hospital’s (MGH) anxiety clinic specializes in evidence-based individual and group psychotherapy for children and youth up until their 18th birthday who have an anxiety disorder.
825 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, ON M4C 3E7
Mortimer & Coxwell
Sheena’s Place
Sheena’s Place offers free of charge, group-based support to people aged 17+ affected by an eating disorder or disordered eating.
87 Spadina Road, Toronto, ON, M5R 2T1
Spadina, between Bloor and Dupont