Services for Black Youth
Across Boundaries
Across Boundaries provides equitable, inclusive and holistic mental health and addiction services for racialized people across the Greater Toronto Area. Across Boundaries provides programs and services that integrate skills building, digital programming, support groups, alternative and complementary therapies, art therapy, creative expressions, community kitchen, individual support, counselling, and community partnerships.
51 Clarkson Ave. Toronto, ON M6E2T5
Caledonia & Castlefield
African Community Service of Peel
African Community Services (ACS) is a registered not-for-profit community based charitable agency that provides newcomer settlement services, youth leadership programs, and community and wellness initiatives to the Black/African community in Peel Region and the surrounding areas.
10 Gillingham Drive, UNIT 308 Brampton, ON L6X 5A5
Main & Bovaird
Afri-Can Food Basket
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4929 Jane St North York, ON M3N2K8
Jane & Steeles
Black Legal Action Centre
The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) is an independent not-for-profit community legal clinic that combats individual and systemic anti-Black racism by providing free legal services, conducting research, developing public legal education materials, and engaging in test case litigation and law reform.
Suite 221 – 720 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5S 2T9
Bloor & Spadina
Black Business and Professional Association
BBPA is a non-profit, charitable organization that addresses equity and opportunity for the Black community in business, employment, education and economic development.
180 Elm St, Toronto, ON M5T 3M4
Dundas & Gerrard
Black Women in Motion
Black Women in Motion is a Toronto-based, youth-led organization that empowers and supports the advancement of black womxn and survivors of sexual violence. They work within an anti-racist, intersectional feminist, trauma-informed and survivor-centred framework to create culturally-relevant content, educational tools, healing spaces and economic opportunities for black women.
Black Youth Helpline
BYH provides culturally relevant youth and family assessments and intervention, stay-in-school initiatives, parent & family support, and system navigation assistance.
1111 Finch Ave West, Suite 411 Toronto, ON M3J 2E5
Finch & Alness
Caribbean African Canadian Social Services
CAFCAN offers culturally sensitive programs to assist young men and women ages 16-24 to successfully transition from their involvement with the Justice System to a meaningful family and community life. They also offer support through everyday transitions and stresses.
995 Arrow Road North York, ON M9M 2Z5
Finch & Arrow
Jamaican Canadian Association
The Jamaican Canadian Association (JCA) mission is to deliver programs and services, provide a physical hub, and to advocate to improve the well‐being and equity of Jamaican, Caribbean & African‐Canadian communities within the Greater Toronto Area.
995 Arrow Road North York, ON M9M 2Z5
Finch & Arrow
RITES for Black and African-Canadian Youth
The RITES program at Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS) is a culturally specific, identity development initiative that supports the empowerment of Black and African-Canadian youth between the ages of 13 and 18. RITES employs an integrated, full spectrum model of support and care so participants have access to range of coordinated mental health clinical and program supports and resources.
65 Wellesley Street East, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M4Y 1G7
Yonge & Wellesley
Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY) at CAMH
SAPACCY provides support and counselling to African and Caribbean Canadian youth who are dealing with problem substance use and mental health concerns.
80 Workman Way Toronto, ON M6J 1H4
Queen & Shaw
Taibu Community Health Centre
TAIBU Community Health Centre offers Black-identifying clients from throughout the Greater Toronto Area access to primary care, health promotion and disease prevention programs in a culturally affirming environment.
27 Tapscott Road, Unit #1 Toronto, ON M1B 4Y7
Tapscott & Neilson
Tropicana Community Services
At Tropicana Community Services Organization (Tropicana) we offer culturally appropriate and supportive programs to those in need, including but not limited to counselling, settlement services, childcare, education, personal development, and employment services, with a predominant focus on the Black, African, and Caribbean communities of Toronto.
1385 Huntingwood Drive Scarborough, ON M1S 3J1
McCowan & Huntingwood
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands
WHIWH inclusive multidisciplinary services include primary medical care for all women from the age of 16, mental health support programs with individual and group counselling, self-advocacy programs, health promotion and education programs, Pre and Post Natal Care programs, HIV-AIDS Prevention, Support and Care, healthy living activities, support groups, supportive self-care activities and a resource information center. Our staff complement includes physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, mental health therapists, health promoters, community health workers, dieticians, a chiropodist and a social worker.
2 Carlton Street, Suite 500 Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
Yonge & Carlton
Black Creek Community Health Centre
A non-profit community-based organization that provides health care services and programs geared to vulnerable populations living in Toronto’s North West communities.
2202 Jane St. Unit 5 Toronto, ON
Jane & Wilson