Sex Trade & Human Trafficking Services
Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking has been established as the national “backbone” organization working on this issue. The Centre collaborates and works with the various stakeholders dedicated to this issue, including all levels of government, private sector businesses and front-line service providers in order to advance best practices and eliminate duplicate efforts across Canada.
Covenant House
Covenant House is the largest agency in Canada serving youth who are homeless, trafficked or at risk. Services include crisis care, transitional housing, specialized housing, education and employment.
20 Gerrard Street East Toronto, ON M5B 2P3
Gerrard & Yonge
Human Trafficking Survivors
Toronto Police Services resource hub for human trafficking survivors.
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
The Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline is a confidential, multilingual service, operating 24/7 to connect victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement, and emergency services, as well as receive tips from the public.