University of Toronto
TYP is an eight-month, full time, university transition program. It is intended to help students who do not meet university admissions requirements to gain the necessary qualifications.
49 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5S 2E5
St. George St & College St
Ryerson University
The Transitions Foundations Program is geared toward those candidates who have the potential for success in post-secondary education, but also have educational gaps that have resulted in incomplete admissions requirements for traditional pathways into post-secondary studies.
350 Victoria Street Toronto ON M5B 2K3
Gerrard & Yonge St
York University
The Transition Year Program at York University (TYP@York) is a special access program for youth (19+) and adults who are passionate about attending university. TYP@York provides an opportunity to transition to university for those who have previously experienced social and financial barriers to accessing the formal education system.
4700 Keele St Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Steeles & Keele
George Brown College
George Brown College’s Transitions to Post-Secondary Education is a three-semester program for individuals who identify mental health and or addiction challenges as barriers to education and/or employment. Students in this program will have the opportunity to assess new pathways to academic and employment success.
341 King St Toronto ON M5A 1L1
King & Parliament
Seneca College
The Youth to Postsecondary (Y2P) education project provides free academic upgrading and life skills training to young adults living in the Jane and Finch community. It helps participants transition into college and apprenticeship courses or the workforce, improving their career opportunities and future prosperity.
1750 Finch Avenue East Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2J 2X5
Finch & 404
Humber College
Humber College offers a free transitional program for youth between the ages of 19 and 29. This specialized program has been designed to help you make a successful transition to college, whether you have completed high school or not.
205 Humber College Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 5L7
Finch & Hwy 27
416-675-6622 ext. 5129
Ontario Colleges
Online portal to apply to all colleges in Ontario.
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
A not‑for‑profit, centralized application service for applicants to Ontario universities.
170 Research Lane Guelph ON N1G 5E2
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university.